Tuesday 17 May 2011

Bichon Frise Dog Breed

Other Names: Bichon Tenerife, Tenerife Dog, Bichon a Poil Frise

Country of origin: France

Dog Group: Toy breed

General Appearance:

Bichon Frises are a small breed of dog that have a very balanced appearance, proud head carriage and naturally curly coat that doesn't moult making them suitable for people with allergies. They have snow-white silky hair which has spirals that gives this dog the powder puff look and a loosely curled outer coat, which is lined with a soft, silky undercoat. Bichon Frises coat should not be wiry or overly soft. They are non-shedding and considered to be hypoallergenic. The head should be slightly rounded with a moderate but definite stop, the hair on the head sould be clipped to give a rounded appearence. The neck should be arched and fairly long, being carried high and proudly. The body should be square with well-sprung ribs; the front legs straight and not too fine-boned, the thighs being well-rounded with well-bent stifles.The tail should be raised and curved gracefully over the back, with only the hair touching the back


Generally white but cream or apricot marking are acceptable whilst the dog is still young.


Bitch 23cm - 30cm

Dog 23cm - 30cm


Min Max

Bitch 3kg (7lbs) 6kg (13lbs)

Dog 3kg (7lbs) 6kg (13lbs)


The Bichon Frise should have a friendly and happy disposition that is also playful and affectionate. They're also intelligent and require regular human attention, they make very good childrens pets. They socialise well and are fine in the company of other dogs and pets in the household. This breed can also make a good watch dog as they will allert their family to visitors or danger.

Care and Training:

The Bichon Frise requires frequent grooming. They are known as a high maintenance breed. Daily brushing is a must, as their coat tends to mat very easily. Professional grooming every four weeks is recommended to keep them looking their very best. They should not be left alone for long periods of time as they do tend to suffer with seperation anxiety.

The Bichon is an intelligent breed but can be difficult to train. Males being easier than females specially to house train. The Bichon Frise thrives on socialization and loves to perform tricks. Crate training works best for the Bichon Frise, it is important to be consistent and patient. Obedience classes from an early age will help too.

Overall Exercise: 0 - 20 minutes per day.
Bichons will adapt readily to the amount of exercise available from the family circumstances.

Feeding Requirements:

Bichons are very inexpensive dogs to feed and normally eat very little. The main expenditure is their grooming requirements.


Straight moving legs that produce a balanced and effortless stride also bouncy which gives this dog a happy, carefree presence.

Exercise: Low

Grooming: High

Noise: Med

Personal Protection: Low

Suitability As Guard Dog: Low

Level of Aggression: Low

Compatibility With Other Animals: High

Suitablity for Children: High

Often Docked? No

Average litter size: 3-5

Life Expectancy (yrs) 13.5

Health issues: Bichon Frises are fairly healthy dogs, but some common health concerns include luxating patellas, bladder problems, block tear ducts, skin ailments, cancer and autoimmune disease, as well as cataracts and epilepsy.

History: The exact origin of the Bichon Frise is still unknown today. Though many agree that they existed before the time of Christ. In the fourteenth century, Italian sailors took the little dog from the shores of Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, and brought it back to France to barter with. Some say they descend from the Maltese, which have been on record as long as the Bichon, and others claim they were a dwarf breed that resulted from crossing of a miniature Spaniel and a miniature Poodle with Cayenne dogs. For 400 years the Bichon Frise enjoyed life among kings and aristocrats in France in the 1500s. But in the 1800s the little dog became a common pet among people and sometimes served as an organ grinder's dog or as a circus performer. After World War I both French and Belgian breeders sustained an active interest in the breed, and finally were recognized by the French Kennel Club.

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