Wednesday 31 August 2011

Blood Hound dog Profile

Blood hound
Other Names : St Hubert Hound, Chien du St Hubert

Country of origin: Belgium

Dog Group Kennel Club : Hound

General appearance:
Bloodhounds have a short, smooth and waterproof coat and have a nobel expression. Their skin is thin and loose and hangs around the head and neck in loose folds with droopy lower eyelids. In general, Bloodhounds are muscular dogs and are very powerful. Their voices are full, musical and sonorous. The Bloodhound has a very short, and hard coat, the hair should be softer on the head and ears while the remaining hair should be harsh and coarse. The skull is long and narrow with a very pronounced occiput and an abundance of loose skin especially over the forehead and sides of the face. The ears should be thin and soft to the touch, very long and falling in gracefold folds.

Commonly Bloodhounds are black and tan, liver and tan and red but small amounts of white are allowed.

Bitch 58 - 63cms

Dog 63 - 69cms

Min Max

Bitch 36kg (79lbs) 45kg (99lbs)

Dog 41kg (90lbs) 50kg (110lbs)

In general, Bloodhounds are affectionate and easy going with other dogs and people but are tireless when following a scent. They were originally bred for the purpose of tracking people and possess the best sense of smell of any dog. They can be known to get on with other dogs and other household pets. Despite their size, they are not good guard dogs and would never dream of attacking. They are friendly and tenacious dogs who will welcome both wanted and unwanted visitors.

Bloodhounds have a swinging free pace which is athletic.

Care and Training:
The blood hound in general does not need much grooming of the coat however, you will need to clean the folds in the skin and their ears as they are prone to Irritation and infections. A quick and regular brushing should be performed to remove any dead or loose hair, as this breed can seasonally be a very heavy shedder.

Blood hounds are very inteligent but can also be very stubborn this making them difficult to train.
Gentle handling and speaking is a must as this breed can be very sensitive, but consistency is also necessary if this breed is to thrive and learn. They can also be slow to house train but with regular consistant training they can become very good house pets and hunting dogs.

Overall Exercise > 2 hours per day. The Bloodhound has the tendency to overeat so regular exercise is a must if this breed is to stay healthy and active. Bloodhounds do best with acreage and a large area to roam in however can do well if they have an owner that has a regular exercise regimen. If not given sufficient exercise they can be boisterous!

Feeding Requirements:
These dogs are very large eaters and it will cost around £10 per week to feed them.

Exercise: Low

Grooming: Med

Noise: Med

Personal Protection: Medium

Suitability As Guard Dog: Low

Level of Aggression: Low

Compatibility With Other Animals: High

Suitablity for Children: Medium

Often docked? No

Average litter size: 7-8

Life Expectancy (yrs) 10

Health issues: Inverted eyelids, ear infections,hip and elbow dysplasia, and bloat. Bloat is a health issue to most dogs, being the second largest killer of dogs other than cancer, but Bloodhounds can be particularly susceptible to it because of their deep chests. Other health concerns include: cardiac problems, luxating patellas, thyroid disorders, gastric torsion (twisted stomach), skin-fold dermatitis.

History: The Bloodhound is one of the oldest hound breeds, originating from ancestors who were bred in Assyria around 2000 - 1000 B.C. It is thought that these dogs were taken to the Mediterranean by the Phoenicians, and then from there spread north into Europe. Their ancestry,
thought to be the St. Hubert hound can be traced to the seventh and eighth centuries in Belgium. Bloodhounds were brought to Great Britain by William the Conqueror in 1066. The Bloodhound is said to be the result of pure breeding thanks to monasteries and church dignitaries. Their name comes from the English blue bloods who helped nurture the breed, as well as their untainted blood. The original Bloodhounds were black or white; the whites being named Southern hounds, and the blacks being named Saint Hubert hounds.The Bloodhound has an olfactory system the size of a handkerchief and can smell over 40 times better than that of a human being. It is estimated they have at least 250 million olfactory receptors, and can smell out a trail over 2 weeks old. In the past these dogs were used for hunting by the church dignitaries, and are still used for that purpose by common people today. Bloodhounds these days are widely used as family pets, tracking dogs and security/police dogs

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